
Why Should Brands Build A Virtual Showroom?
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Why Should Brands Build A Virtual Showroom?

As technology has brought more and more information to consumers’ doorsteps, the degree to which it is leveraged and relied on in daily life has exploded. From directions, to recipes, to the craziest questions we can ask Siri, digital has become the constant consumer companion. To ensure that the digital customer experience meets or exceeds buyers’ increasing demands, brands across industries are turning to 3D to bring immersive and engaging experiences to all of their digital channels. One of these quickly growing categories is virtual showrooms.

The 5 Biggest Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends In 2022
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The 5 Biggest Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends In 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes the increasingly sophisticated ecosystems of online, connected devices we share our world with. The slightly odd name refers to the fact that the first iteration of the internet was simply a network of connected computers. As the internet grew, phones, office equipment like printers and scanners, and industrial machinery were added to the internet. Today, just about any device we use in our homes, offices, factories, or simply wear on our bodies can be online and connected, hence the internet of “things.”