Approval System

Approval system is a formalized, automated approval process for submitting, routing, reviewing, approving, approval tracking, and collaborating on a variety of document types to make approval decisions. This system ensures organizational standards are met and provides a complete audit trail of document workflow actions taken including time, date, and individual. Document approvals are a real sore point in most organizations. The approval software systems employed for different levels of the organization handling the approval of important documents like price quotation, invoice, purchase request,.. with one click.

Solution Features

Solution Features

1. Real-time approvals: Provides an approval process that’s integrated with your business processes

2. Approval Sequence: In some cases, rather than an individual approver, there may be a group of approvers.The system can accommodate both scenarios

3. User Friendly & Simple Approval Forms: Non-technical business users can quickly build approval forms and routing workflows with a drag and drop interface

4. Easy Integration: The approval system allows for integration with existing systems including CRM, ERP, Finance, HRIS, etc. via an open API

5. Instant notification: Be alerted whenever your team needs your approval

Our values

Priority Support
Enterprise-ready security
Continuous innovation
Access from any device



1. Save time
Build approval processes, add Approval Tasks, and watch bottlenecks disappear with a click of a button.

2. Improve performance
Can approve or reject tasks and provide feedback that will keep your team on the right path.

3. Reduce mistakes
With approval checklists, you can oversee everything

4. Keep track
Use the Checklist Dashboard to keep track of all your approval processes